Despite a July 2024 deal ensuring Philippine resupply missions at Second Thomas Shoal, tensions with China persist, marked by confrontations and deep distrust, indicating potential for...
In reaction to President Lai’s inauguration, China’s PLA conducted military drills and expanded disinformation campaigns, undermining Taiwanese electoral trust and emphasizing a narrative of peace or...
In the past year, China has outlined a vision for global AI governance, framed as proactive but revealing weaknesses. Initiatives emphasize cooperation, but documents like the...
The World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai (July 2024) advanced global AI governance, featuring the ‘Shanghai Declaration’ which emphasizes AI safety, ethics, international cooperation, and China’s...
The Third Plenum communique from the CCP indicates a prioritization of stability and compromise in response to China’s economic challenges. It highlights the concept of Chinese-style...
China and Germany maintain a strong bilateral relationship, rooted in economic cooperation despite ideological differences. Recent visits and agreements focus on expanding trade and addressing mutual...
Vietnam’s “cooperation and struggle” strategy against China’s South China Sea behavior is ineffective, risking China’s claims. Proactive measures and stronger ties with the Philippines are essential...
Overcapacity in China’s industries such as solar panels, electric vehicles, and steel has sparked trade disputes, leading to low-priced exports that hurt overseas markets, prompting the...
On May 17, 2024, China introduced measures to stabilize its declining property sector, facing a 3.9% drop in new house prices. Structural reforms are needed for...