Хятад улсын махны эрэлт Монголд ямар нөлөөтэй вэ
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Хүнсний аюулгүй байдлын зарчмын хувьд хүнсий сүлжээнд фермээс хоолны ширээ рүү хүрэх тухай ойлголт мах, махан бүтээгдэхүүний хувьд тийм ч амаргүй байдаг. Таны ширээн дээрх шинэ мах хажуугийн фермээс эсвэл бүр дэлхийн нөгөө өнцгөөс онгоцоор 10,000 км-ийн зайг туулан ирсэн байх боломжтой. Хүйтэн тээвэрлэлтийн гинжин хэлхээ, логистик сайжирснаар махыг тээвэрлэхэд зарим тохиолдолд хэдэн долоо хоног шаардагддаг байсныг хэдэн цаг, эсвэл хэдхэн өдрийн дотор тээвэрлэх боломжтой болгосон. Бага болон дундаж орлоготой цөөн хэдэн орнуудын хувьд махны экспорт томоохон бизнес болоод байгаа билээ.
Монголын бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуйн баялаг түүх, малын тоо толгойн өсөлт, мөн дэлхийн томоохон зах зээлтэй газар зүйн хувьд ойрхон зэрэг нь Монголд малын махны экспортод чиглэсэн үнэ цэнийн сүлжээг хөгжүүлэх томоохон боломж байгааг илтгэдэг.
Өнөөгийн байдлаар мал аж ахуйн салбар 150,000 орчим малчин айл өрхүүдийн амьжиргааг залгуулж байна. Эдгээр өрхийн ихэнх нь нэн ядуу бүлэгт хамаарагдах бөгөөд өрийн дарамттай, ядуурлын онц нөлөөллүүдэд эмзэг байдаг. Монгол улс малын махны дэлхийн үнэ цэнийн сүлжээнд нэгдэснээр эдийн засгаа өсгөх, ажлын байр бий болгох, ялангуяа хөдөө орон нутагт ядуурлыг бууруулах шинэ боломжуудыг нээх бололцоотой.
Хурдтай өсч буй улс орнуудад дундаж давхарга нэмэгдэн, хоол хүнсний хэрэглээний хандлагууд өөрчлөгдөж байгааг бөгөөд үүнийг дагаад дэлхий дахинд шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, шинэ нийлүүлэгчдийг эрэлхийлж байна. Нэг талаараа зах зээл ийнхүү өргөжсөнөөр худалдааны шинэ боломжууд үүсч байгаа ч давхар хүнсний аюулгүй байдлын шинэ эрсдэлийг бий болгон, дүрэм журмыг үр нөлөөтэй болгох, экспортлогчид…
EU’s Solar Initiatives in Southeast Asia Impacted by US-China Trade Tensions
Challenges for Chinese Solar Companies in Southeast Asia
Chinese-owned solar companies in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Cambodia, are encountering significant challenges. These nations are becoming crucial markets for solar energy; however, increased competition and regulatory hurdles are complicating their operations.
Regulatory Hurdles
Many Southeast Asian governments are implementing stricter regulations for foreign investments in renewable energy sectors. This development may hinder Chinese companies’ ability to navigate local laws and establish a strong foothold in these growing markets.
Market Competition
Beyond regulatory challenges, the competition among local and international solar companies is intensifying. To succeed, Chinese firms must innovate and adapt their strategies to meet regional demands while maintaining cost-effectiveness and securing partnerships with local entities.
Source : EU’s solar plans in SE Asia caught in US-China trade war
Malaysia Launches ‘Luxury’ Durian Exports to China as Indonesia Eyes Market Opportunities
Malaysia has begun exporting fresh durian to China, targeting high-end consumers with 40 tonnes shipped in phases. China, the largest durian buyer, may eventually import from Indonesia pending compliance with standards.
Malaysia’s Fresh Durian Shipment to China
Malaysia has successfully sent its first shipment of fresh durians to China, aiming to capture the interest of a market largely supplied by Thailand and Vietnam. This shipment includes 40 tonnes released in three phases, as announced by Deputy Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup. China represents the world’s largest durian importer, having purchased 1.4 million tonnes last year, with a significant portion sourced from Thailand.
Emphasis on Quality
Malaysian exporters, having met China’s phytosanitary requirements, are focusing on the quality of their products rather than sheer volume. Lim Chin Khee from the Durian Academy states that Malaysian durians are considered luxury items, targeting high-end consumers. The first shipment of 20 tonnes has already reached the Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, fetching prices that can reach 200 yuan (approximately $28) per fruit.
Indonesia’s Durian Prospects
Indonesia is also exploring opportunities in the Chinese durian market, with discussions surrounding compliance to China’s phytosanitary standards ongoing. As reported, Indonesian officials are eager to establish a protocol that could facilitate durian exports, considering the strong demand in China. Lynn Song from ING emphasizes that should these negotiations succeed, Indonesian durians could effectively carve a niche in the burgeoning market.
Source : Malaysia starts ‘luxury’ durian exports to China as Indonesia sniffs the market
Vietnam’s Exports of Fruits and Vegetables to Thailand Surge by 70%
Thailand has become Vietnam’s fourth largest fruit and vegetable market, with exports rising significantly, particularly in durians, as Thailand faces supply shortages due to droughts.
Growth in Bilateral Trade
Thailand has risen to become Vietnam’s fourth-largest market for fruits and vegetables, according to recent customs data from the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association. This shift from sixth place last year is largely attributed to increased demand, particularly for frozen durian. China continues to dominate as the top buyer, importing nearly $2.5 billion worth, a 25% increase.
Rising Imports and Export Dynamics
The United States and South Korea have also contributed to this growth, with imports from Vietnam surging by 31% and 51%, totaling $189 million and $188 million, respectively. Overall, Vietnam’s exports reached an estimated $4.6 billion, a 29% increase, as the country capitalizes on year-round durian cultivation.
Changing Trade Relationships
The trade landscape between Vietnam and Thailand has transformed significantly over the past decade. Thailand, once the leading supplier of fruits and vegetables to Vietnam, saw its imports drop to just $46.5 million in 2023. However, imports have surged 35% this year, reaching $32 million, with popular items including dates and mangosteens.
Source : Vietnam fruit, vegetable exports to Thailand rise by 70% – VnExpress International